Posts in Insurance
Solving Applied EPIC Issue: Instance Already Running

A problem we’ve seen recently with some of our insurance clients who use Applied EPIC is that they get an error message stating that another instance of this application is already running.


This may be because it is already running in the background. When you start up your computer, does EPIC automatically begin running? Before you try out the following solutions ensure that EPIC is not already open behind the windows you have open.

(Note: The following solutions should work with other applications, EPIC is just an example we’ve seen recently.)

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InsuranceSquare Studio Dev
Why Digital Transformation Matters to Insurance

The whole nature of your industry is to help eliminate and/or stop the spread of risks, so it’s not often that you take risks…like getting rid of your legacy system and upgrading to all new equipment (Don’t worry if you’re not ready for that, digital transformation is more than just getting rid of legacy equipment.). Or maybe you’re thinking about the cost and what value a new computer will bring to your agency. There’s a handful of reasons as to why you may think digital transformation doesn’t matter in insurance. Hopefully, by the end of this blog, I can at least get you out of a complacent mindset and get you thinking about making decisions to move forward.

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InsuranceSquare Studio Dev