Virtual First Impression

Virtual first impression

Portage, Michigan | July 18, 2018
Updated: March 16, 2020

I think it’s safe to say that many people in the insurance industry are fully aware that the topic of insurance isn’t exactly the hot topic of an exciting conversation.

No good story really ever starts off with an anecdote about your insurance carrier’s website.

Nevertheless, as an insurance provider, this isn’t an excuse to provide customers with a boring site or especially dismiss the opportunities a solid and intriguing website can bring.

Because insurance is often overlooked on the virtual end of things, many companies have trouble connecting and engaging with their customers or potential customers who visit their websites and find the experience underwhelming.

We live in a digital age where a good virtual first impression is imperative to customer engagement and success.


According to Salesforce, 85% of Internet users conduct product research online before making a purchase (2019).


In order to stay relevant in the ever-changing world of technology and virtual connection, your website is the best place to begin to make the necessary changes.

People will Google your business to learn more about you and if they think you are a good fit for them, so it’s safe to say that first impressions are everything.

If you were meeting a potential customer for the first time, you probably wouldn’t show up wearing outdated clothing or greet them with a dull attitude.

You’d want to dress to impress and exert an excited and positive attitude.

The same rules apply to the virtual world and the impression you make there.

You want the site to dress to impress and give off a welcoming and inspired vibe.


Check it out: Tips For Boosting Your Website Speed

Keep in mind also that many people entering the insurance world as buyers now are in their late 20’s, meaning they are all too familiar with the Internet and what distinguishes a good website from a bad one.

Aesthetic is the first thing visitors will notice.

How does the site look?

Are the graphics outdated?

Does it look sleek?

Easy to navigate?

What about mobility?

These are some of the things visitors to your website will wonder and look for.

Your website is a reflection of your company and the service you provide.

If visitors see an outdated and neglected website, they will assume your service is the same way.

If visitors open a homepage that is well thought out and serves their needs, they will assume the same about the service of your company.

It is estimated that 95% of all purchases will be made online by 2040.
— Nasdaq

What kind of impression do you want to make on your website visitors?

The choice is obvious, but the solution is a bit trickier.

So, I’ll walk you through some ways to improve your website to make the best first virtual impression you can make with potential customers.


1.    Update Images

This is probably the simplest change you can make to an existing website that will make the greatest difference.

Some of the photography on your site could have employees in them that no longer work there, or maybe you’ve made some big changes to your building.

Whatever the case may be, replacing some old photos with some newer ones, with better lighting and detail, could make a big difference in the aesthetic.

This applies to not just photography, but graphic images as well.

Reach out to a graphic designer to help update some iconography or graphics featured on the website to reflect an updated style.

And if all else fails, try adding some clean, relevant stock images in there!


Check it out: Ways to Improve User Experience of a Website Infographic


2.    Video

Don’t be afraid to add a couple videos to the website!

Today, most people prefer a visual knowledge experience, meaning they would rather get their information from a short video than read a page of details.

A quality video can also be a decent distraction from a subpar website.

Visitors won't be busy picking apart your website if they are engaged in a video right away.

Time is a valuable resource and the average visitor will spend 88% more time on a website that features a video than others.

A good video will also increase the likelihood of repeat visitors and shares on social media, which would increase traffic to your website.


3.    Mobile Responsive

People won’t just visit your website on a desktop, but on their mobile devices as well.

When designing your website or making even the slightest changes to text, photos, and graphics, make sure you check to see how the page will display on a smart phone or tablet before making final decisions.

You want to make a good impression on the go as well as at the desk.

People are constantly on their phones searching the Internet for answers and you don’t want to miss out on the chance someone may look you up on their ride home or waiting in line at the grocery store.

65% of consumers compare product prices on their smartphones while visiting physical stores.

By having a mobile friendly website, you boost your chances of contact with customers significantly throughout the day.


Check it out: 21 Outdated Website Features The Make Your Site Look Like Something From the Stone Age Infographic

4.    Social Media

Another simple yet significant change you can make is linking your website to your company social media channels.

69% of people are more likely to use a business if they have information on a social media site.

With so many insurance options out there for people to choose from, most will be drawn towards those agencies who they can connect with easier through Facebook or Twitter.

Being connect to social media shows that you are more active within the community and are better adept to fast and easy communication, instead of being invisible to a larger part of the community.

 In addition, active social profiles are beneficial for many reasons such as:

  • Increasing brand awareness

  • Humanizing your brand

  • Establishing your brand as a thought leader

  • Staying on top of consumers’ minds

  • Increasing website traffic

  • Generating leads

  • Boosting sales

  • Communicating

  • Promoting

  • Customer service and customer support

  • Plus many more!

5.    Contact Form

Yes, by all means, please put your email address and phone number on your contact page on your website, but also include a short contact form that visitors can fill out and submit.

This is an effective way to get people to ask more questions and reach out without the added pressure and time of talking to someone on the phone.

Giving a quick, personal response to someone who submitted a question through your contact form, encourages better interaction and helps motivate people to reach out to you by the ease of filling out a few simple lines. 

The Omega Blog. Business blog, technology blog, insurance blog, cybersecurity blog, I.T. services blog
Security for Smbs Guide. Business technology guide.
The Geek Freaks Podcast. Business podcast, technology podcast, insurance podcast, cybersecurity podcast, I.T. services podcast, smb podcast


InsuranceJulie Stevens