Posts in Insurance
How Your Insurance Agency Can Keep Up in A Digital World

Change is inevitable, and it seems change is happening faster than ever with no signs of slowing down. It’s no longer about the big beating the small, but the fast beating the slow. So, what does that mean for your agency? Embrace change, utilize the resources available, and don’t reject the new simply because it’s not what you’re used to. There are many ways for your insurance agency to step up its game and stay in the competition. In this blog, we go over 5 examples of implementations and offerings your agency can use to stay relevant in today’s digital world.

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InsuranceSquare Studio Dev
5 Reasons Not to Upgrade to Windows 10 Debunked

New technology can be daunting; there is always something new coming on the market. This makes it overwhelming deciding whether or not new tech is worth the money in hopes that it will improve your business processes, make your employees more efficient, and increase your bottom line. Often times, new ideas, solutions, and tools are overlooked in the insurance industry, but why would an industry as a whole look the other way when technological advances could propel their business forward? Specific reasons vary from agency to agency, yet most have these common themes.

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InsuranceSquare Studio Dev
Why Insurance Lags Behind Other Industries with the Integration of New Tech

New technology can be daunting; there is always something new coming on the market. This makes it overwhelming deciding whether or not new tech is worth the money in hopes that it will improve your business processes, make your employees more efficient, and increase your bottom line. Often times, new ideas, solutions, and tools are overlooked in the insurance industry, but why would an industry as a whole look the other way when technological advances could propel their business forward? Specific reasons vary from agency to agency, yet most have these common themes.

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InsuranceSquare Studio Dev
Understanding the Proposed Changes to the Safeguards Rule and Who it Affects

GLBA (Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act), also known as the Financial Services Modernization Act, might be getting some changes to better protect consumers and provide more certainty for businesses. GLBA outlines the regulations for financial institutions to protect the privacy and security of customer data in their control. Under this are two rules; the Privacy Rule and the Safeguards Rule….

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InsuranceSquare Studio Dev